As Salam U Aleikum
This year Ibadah Tours Ltd are raising funds in order to make the wishes of two UK citizens true by enabling them to complete the Pilgrimage of Hajj through a combined effort with you all. Instead of paying for this ourselves we have been urged by our customers and the community to open up an avenue for you all to earn a share in this reward by donating towards this great cause.
DONATE £1 TODAY FOR SOMEONE TO COMPLETE HAJJ by doing this over text message, very easy, very simple and secure. Alternatively you can donate via this link but the minimum donation is £2.50 or just above.
We understand that it is not an obligation upon someone who cannot afford this duty, however heres the thought...
The UK consists of just over 2 Million Muslims the last time we checked, and if we get rid of half of that for the simple reasons of poor individuals, children and the elderly it leaves us with 1 Million Muslims to reach out to.
Now all we are asking is for 10000 Muslims to come forward and donate a minimum of £1 each and gain the rewards of two candidates completing the most rewarding Pilgrimage. Of course you are more than welcome to donate more than that if you wish. The candidate will be travelling through one of our packages for up to 3 weeks and will be in the safe hands of our tour leaders.
The most productive way of thinking about this -
Sacrifice the cost of a bag of crisps and a chocolate for just one day and gain multiple rewards by helping someone complete the best and most rewarding Pilgrimage.
This Year's Candidates -
1) Brother AbdulHakim
A 63 year old of West Indian origin.
A brother who reverted to Islam in Senegal and has been residing in the UK from 1968. All his relatives and parents are still residents of the West Indies. A brother who is regular in attendance at his local Masjid in Southall, who is always keen on furthering his knowledge and understanding of this beautiful Religion. It has been his dream to perform Hajj or Umrah but due to his financial condition he is unable to do so.
2)Brother Tim
A 24 year old of South African Origin.
Tim has been a revert to Islam for 5-6 years, he took his Shahadah at the young age of 18 Alhamdulillah. He supports a lot of community Dawah led projects through the help of media sources and is really affectionate in completing the greatest Journey of a Muslims life, Hajj. By helping send a young brother like this we will also be able to document his journey and make it a point of Dawah for many many youngsters who reside in the UK especially.
These are the chosen candidates for this year, May ALLAH SWT make it easy upon them and accept their journey. Ameen.
In Sha' Allah we will be documenting this journey through our blogs where you will be able to see exactly who it was we all raised up for, you can check this out by visiting our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Ibadahtours/
For all offline donations please use the following account details:
ACCOUNT NAME : Ibadah Tours Ltd
SORT CODE : 40 07 15
Reference (must) : HAJJ CHARITY
We understand that JustGiving charge admin fees for each transaction, fear not In Sha' Allah we will personally be covering any outstanding amount ourselves.
Jazakh'Allah Khairan for taking the time to read our blog, please visit our JustGiving page.https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/ibadahtours-hajjappeal2019 in order to donate online.